How to earn money online
Hi this is Mohit Yadav from and welcome back to our series on how to make money online more specifically how you can make money with Google for free today we're gonna follow up on another hot topic from my previous blog on how to build a YouTube home business for free by far the most popular request was more information on how you can actually create a YouTube channel uploading videos making money but not even showing your own face or even your own voice now just to let you know there is absolutely nothing wrong with either of these models because personally I have actually been able to deliver tremendous results to my various business using both these types of videos I have blogs where I'm talking to the camera just like this I have videos where it doesn't show my face but you can read my blogs I even have blogs or it doesn't even have my voice at all now being an introvert myself I obviously prefer the latter.![]() |
How to earn money |
but as an entrepreneur we also like to challenge ourselves doing a lot of different things stepping out of our comfort zones so I actually don't mind to create these kinds of videos from time to time now going back to the topic at hand the feedback that I receive the most from my previous blogs are people who want to learn more about how they can actually make money without creating their own content for those of you who are not aware there are plenty of blogs out there that are making a lot of money and they actually don't even create their own posts in fact all they do is they repost other people's content.
How to earn money online 2020
obviously if you're gonna be using other people's content there's going to be a right way of doing this and a wrong way of doing this in terms of the actual details them selves it's gonna go beyond the scope of what we have today as well as the time allotted for this particular post so if you're interested to learn more I'm gonna go ahead and put that on my priority list for one of the future blog that I'm gonna be creating so if you're interested to learn more and in terms of today we're gonna talk more about how so many people have created all these different YouTube channels we posting other people's content and making so much money on content that they didn't even create on their own more importantly I want to show you how you can actually do the same thing but first you might be wondering where exactly is all this content coming from the answer is that content is literally everywhere on the Internet there are so many platforms out there and so many social media networks with user-generated content that were literally sitting on a goldmine and like I said because we're dealing with other people's content.
There's definitely aright way and a wrong way of doing this but when you do it the right way I want to show you just how profitable it can really be now because I don't want tooverwhelm you with too many of these different platforms where you can take your content from let's start with one of the most popular in the world right now which is of course tik tok I'm sure you're probably just as excited as I am to dive right into this so without further ado let's go welcome back now unless you've beenliving under a rock recently you would know that one of the biggest trends as of late is an app called tik tok basically tik tok allows anyone to record short video clips of them selves they mostly include music dancing and whatever other challenges that happened to be trending it started off as a very popular app in China called dough Yi and changed your name to musically once it expanded to the global market and now has been rebranded to tik tok and ever since then it just simply took off like a rocket all across the world in all kinds of languages so now that you're all caught up in the history of tik tok how can you make money with it well as you know one of our favorite ways on making money is with Google.
How to earn money online youtube
which includes YouTube and as we had previously discussed you can build a very comfortable home business for yourself by simply creating videos and you don't have to record it yourself and simply create them into a compilation one of the best tips I can give you when it comes to creating compilation videos or any videos for that matter is to do them on what's popular what's trending and have the potential to go viral and right now tick tock is simply blowing up big so now is the best time for you to leverage on that let me show you some examples when we go back to YouTube from youtube
and do a search on tick tock we can see some ofthe video results that come up to give you a better idea on how popular theyare you can see these kinds of videos are incredibly getting millions andmillions of views the first one that comes up has 3.6 million views and itwas only uploaded one month ago the second one has 9.2 million views withinthe last five months and as we scroll down you will see even more now to giveyou a better idea on what to do with some of these videos let's go ahead andclick on one of them to give you a better idea on what this video is allabout now as you can see the moment that weclicked onto the video the ad already starts playing which proves that this infact is being monetized we're gonna go ahead and skip the ad and check up thevideo to see why it's so popular I'll speed it up a little bit as well becausewe don't actually need to watch the whole thing just to get a better idea onwhat's happening in these videos now just as we thought it's simply acompilation of other people's videos which means that all this person isdoing is finding these tic toc videos downloading them and compiling them intotheir own compilation which they then upload back onto YouTube it's definitelynot hard to do I mean it's a little bit of work maybe it'll take you 20 30 60minutes of your time a day when you're first starting out but short beatsslaving your life away at a nine-to-five job that you absolutely hate right and Ican almost guarantee that by doing it this way you will make a lot more moneythan a nine-to-five job a lot more money let's see how much this guy is estimatedto be making as we talked about last time you can actually find out achannels estimated earnings .
just on ad revenue alone by using a cites orextension called social blade now my extensions are currently turned off as Ihad a bunch of them installed previously and they were really slowing down mybrowser so we're gonna go ahead and use the social blade website for this onenow this channel let's go ahead and copy this channels username from the URL wewill then go to social blade paste it into this section right here click onthe search button and as you can see down here this channel is making up to$100,000 a month by simply posting tik-tok videos even on the low endassuming they're really struggling to get the ad revenue they're still makinga minimum of at least six point five thousand dollars USD every single monthwhich is more than what most jobs out there are paying anyway right hey if youask me I'll take it when we go back to the search results we can see that thesecond channel that comes up is a video called tick tock videos this one is alsoa compilation of tick tock videos and so we're going to go through theexact same process to figure out their estimated earnings copy this go back tosocialblade paste this in and find out this one is making up to sixty fivethousand dollars USD every single month not bad right let's go ahead and take alook at another channel this one down here looks to be quite popular let's goahead and click on the channel name go into the channel directly find theusername copy that and go back directly to socialblade we paste this in and thisparticular channel is making up to eighty seven thousand dollars everysingle month let's go ahead and do one more here is another channel that has avery popular video and when we go through the same process and do that onemore time copy the username go back to socialbladepaste that in we will see that this particular channel is making $80,000 USDa month as well now I think just by taking a look at some of these channelsyou already get the idea all these sites are doing is taking tic toc videos andcompiling them into their own that's it and if how much money these videos areactually making for these channels is any indication on how well you canactually be doing if you're doing the same thing I think we will all be veryhappy already even if we only make a fraction of what some of these channelsare making right now but of course nothing is stopping you from making justas much or even more than some of these channels tic toc is only the tip of theiceberg there's so much more that you can do and combine everythingwith all the various strategies that we talked about here and we'll continue totalk about more right here in this channel so if you want to be in the loopwhen we do release that content make sure to consider subscribing if youhaven't already click on the red button that you see on this page hit the bellicon while you're at it so that you won't miss anything and stay tuned forthe next and subsequent videos where we will continue to provide you with morevaluable tips to help you become a more successful online entrepreneur powerfulleader and an overall better version of yourself hope this was helpful to youthanks so much for watching and I'll catch you on the next one you